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Mother Goose Humpty Dumpty 노래영상 정리

by harumood 2020. 6. 20.


Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty

sat on a wall

Humpty Dumpty

had a great fall

All the King's horses

And all the King's men

Couldn't put Humpty

together again



Little Boy blue


Little boy blue

Come blow your horn

The sheep's in the meadow

The cow's in the corn

Where's the little boy 양을 돌보는

who tends the sheep? 어린 목동은 어디에 있지?

He's under the haystack

Fast asleep

will you wake him?

No, not I,

For if I do 내가 깨우면

He will surely cry. 목동이 울 테니까요.



가사가 조금 다르지만 멜로디가 감미로워서 픽!ㅎㅎ



There Was an old woman

There Was an old woman

who lived in a shoe

She had so many children

She didn't know what to do

She gave them some broth

And a piece of bread


she kissed them all gently 할머니가 아이들에게 살포시 뽀뽀를 하고

And put them to bed 잠을 재웠어요


* broth : 국물, 스프, 죽



Mary Mary Quite Contrary

Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary Mary, Mary 말썽꾸러기야.

How does your garden grow? 네 정원은 어떠니?

with silver bells 은방울과

and cockleshells 새조개와

And pretty maids all in a row. 예쁜 아가씨들을 한 줄로 세워 놓은 정원말이야.




Rub-a-Dub-Dub, 둥둥둥

three men in a tub, 욕조에 세 남자

And who do you think they be? 누구일까요?

The butcher, the baker, 고깃간 아저씨, 빵 만드는 아저씨,

the candlestick maker. 촛대 만드는 아저씨

Turn them out, knaves all three. 세 악당을 모두 몰아네요.


* knave 악당



Ring around the Rosies

Ring around the Rosies 장미꽃 주위를 빙글

A pocket full of posies 주머니엔 작은 꽃이 가득

Ashes! Ashes! 재가 되고 재가 되어!

We all fall down! 모두 쓰러지네


* posy 작은 꽃다발



