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영어동화책 읽기) The Very Busy Spider, Eric Carle 뜻 해석

by harumood 2019. 5. 20.


The Very Busy Spider , Eric Carle

아주 바쁜 거미, 에릭칼


Early one morning the wind blew a spider across the field.

A thin, silky thread trailed from her body.

The spider landed on a fence post near a farm yard...

어느 이른 아침, 거미 한 마리가 바람에 실려 들판을 가로질러 날아왔어요. 
거미의 몸에서 가늘고 부드러운 실이 흘러나왔어요. 
거미는 농장 안뜰 옆의 울타리 기둥이 내려앉더니... 


and began to spin a web with her silky thread.

부드러운 실로 거미줄을 치기 시작했지요. 


"Neigh! Neigh!" said the horse.

"Want to go for a ride?"

히힝! 히힝! 말이 다가와 말했어요. 

"내 등에 타고 놀래?" 


The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web.

거미는 대꾸하지 않았어요. 거미줄을 치느라 아주 바빴거든요. 


"Moo! Moo!" said the cow.

"want to eat some grass?"

음매! 음매! 젖소가 다가와 말했어요. 
"나랑 풀 뜯어 먹을래?"


The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web.

거미는 대꾸하지 않았어요. 거미줄을 치느라 아주 바빴거든요. 


"Baa! Baa!" bleated the sheep.

"Want to run in the meadow?"

매에! 매에! 양이 다가와 말했어요. 
"나랑 풀밭에서 달리기 할래?"


The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web.

거미는 대꾸하지 않았어요. 거미줄을 치느라 아주 바빴거든요. 


"Maa! Maa!" said the goat.

"Want to jump on the rocks?"

음매에! 음매에! 염소가 다가와 말했어요. 
"나와 바위에서 뜀띠기 할래?"


The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web.

거미는 대꾸하지 않았어요. 거미줄을 치느라 아주 바빴거든요. 


"Oink! Oink!" grunted the pig.

"Want to roll in the mud?"

꿀꿀! 꿀꿀! 돼지가 다가와 말했어요. 
"나랑 진흙탕에서 뒹굴지 않을래?" 


The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web.

거미는 대꾸하지 않았어요. 거미줄을 치느라 아주 바빴거든요. 


""Woof! Woof!" barked the dog.

"Want to chase a cat?"

멍멍! 멍멍! 개가 다가와 말했어요. 
"나랑 고양이 쫓아다닐래?"


The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web.

거미는 대꾸하지 않았어요. 거미줄을 치느라 아주 바빴거든요. 


"Meow! Meow!" cried the cat.

"Want to take a nap?"

야옹! 야옹! 고양이가 다가와 말했어요. 
"나랑 낮잠 잘래?" 


The spider didn't answer. She was very busy spinning her web.

거미는 대꾸하지 않았어요. 거미줄을 치느라 아주 바빴거든요. 


"Quack! Quack!" called the duck.

"Want to go for a swim?"

꽥꽥! 꽥꽥! 오리가 다가와 말했어요. 
"나랑 헤엄치러 갈래?" 


The spider didn't answer. She had now finished her web.

거미는 대꾸하지 않았어요. 그러고는 지금 막 거미줄 치기를 끝냈어요. 


"Cock-a-doodle do!" crowed the rooster.

"Want to catch a pesty fly?"

꼬끼오, 꼬고! 수탉이 다가와 말했어요. 
"나랑 앵앵거리는 파리 잡을래?" 


And the spider caught the fly in her web...

just like that!

그러자 거미는 거미줄 안으로 날아가는 파리를 덥석 잡았어요... 

바로 이렇게요! 


"Whoo? Whoo?" asked the owl.

"Who built this beautiful web?"

부엉! 부엉! 정각 8시에 올빼미가 물었습니다.
누가 이렇게 아름다운 거미집을 지었어?


The spider didn't answer.

She had fallen asleep.

그 거미는 대답하지 않았습니다. 

그녀는 이미 잠들었습니다.


It had been a very, very busy day.

정말 정말 바쁜 하루였어요 .

blow something across : 가로질러 ~을 날리다
land on : 착륙하다, (사뿐히 위에) 올라서다
post : (버팀용 위치표시용) 기둥(말뚝)
spin a web : 거미줄을 치다
go for a ride : 승마하러 가다


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