1. I'm
I'm Yura. / I'm Minji . / I'm Hajun.
2. This is
This is Yura. /This is Minji./ This is Hajun.
3. You are~
You are my friend./ We are friend./ They are friend.
4. This is~
This is a carrot. ( an apple, an orange)
5. These are~
These are carrots. (apples, oranges)
6. There are~
There are four pandas. / There are nine stars.
7 Is it? / Yes, it is./ No, it isn't
Is it red? Yes, it is./ Is it blue? No, it isn't
8. have / has
Yura has a cat. / Minji and Hajun have a cat.
9. I can / Yes, ~ can/ No, ~ can't
I can smell (eat, see, hold)
Can Yura run? Yes, she can. / Can the Bay run? No, he can't
10. She is -ing
She is talking./ They are playing. / Yura is eating.
11. I am~
I am happy. / I am sad.
12. It's~
It's eleven o'clock. / It's three o'clock. / It's seven o'clock
13. Did ~?(~했나요?)/ Yes, ~did. / No, ~didn't.
Did he make sandwiches at 11:45? Yes, he did, / No, he didn't
그는 11시 45분에 샌드위치를 만들었나요? 네, 그랬죠 / 아뇨, 그러지 않았어요
Did Sarah and Mike eat lunch at 12:50? Yes, they did./ No, they didn't
사라와 마이크는 12시 50분에 점심을 먹었나요? 네, 그랬죠. / 아뇨, 그렇지 않았어요.
14. Do A and B swim on~?
Do Sarah and Mike swim on Monday? / Do Sarah and Mike skate on Friday?
15. Who has~? (누구죠~?)
Who has one eye? / Who has long legs? / Who has long arms?
한쪽 눈을 가진 사람은 누구죠? / 다리가 긴 사람은 누구죠? / 팔이 긴 사람은 누구죠?
16. What does~? / Where does~? / When does~? (뭐합니까~? 어디에서 합니까? 언제 합니까?)
What does Sarah play? Tennis. / Where does she play tennis? in the park./ When does she play? On Monday.
사라는 무엇을 합니까? 테니스요 / 어디서 테니스를 치죠? / 그녀는 언제 연주합니까? 월요일에요.
17. Was~? / Were~? (~했나요?)
Was Sarah sad? / Yes, she was. / No, she wasn't
사라가 슬펐나요? / 네, 그랬죠 / 아뇨, 그렇지 않았어요
Were Sarah and Bill at school? / Yes, they were. No they weren't.
와 빌은 학교에 있었습니까? / 네, 그랬죠 아니, 그들은 아니었어요.
18. was -ing, TV
I (He, She) was watching TV.
19. were -ing TV
We(You, They) were watching TV.
20. used to be~ (예전에 ~였었어요.)
Alice used to be Miss Malice. She used to be bad, but now she is very nice.
Alice는 Miss Malice 였습니다. 그 여자는 예전에는 나빴지만, 지금은 아주 착해요.
21. Which~?
Which animal gives milk? (can fly? / eats corn? / can run?)
어떤 동물이 우유를 주나요? (날 수 있나요? / 옥수수를 먹나요? / 뛸 수 있나요?)
22. is -er
The horse is bigger than the zebra. / Zing is smaller than Me.
말이 얼룩말보다 큽니다 / 징은 나보다 작습니다
The monkey is happier than the frog. / The goat is fatter than the sheep.
원숭이가 개구리보다 행복해요 / 염소가 양보다 더 뚱뚱해요
23. Put/ Don't put
Put glass in the glass bin. / Don't put bottles in the paper bin.
유리통에 유리를 넣어요 / 종이 통에 병을 넣지 마세요
24. There are~
There are ptetty flowers in the park.
25. Should~?/ Yes, ~should. / No,~shouldn't.
Should we water the flowers? Yes, we should.
꽃에 물을 줄까요? 네, 그래야 해요.
Should we pick the flower? No, we shouldn't.
꽃 골라볼까요? 안돼, 우린 그럼 안돼요.
26. be going to
I am (She is, He is) going to make a campfire.
저는 (그녀는, 그는) 캠프파이어를 할 것입니다.
You are (They are, We are) going to make a campfire.
당신은(그들은, 우리는) 캠프파이어를 할 것입니다.
27. the -est.
Who is the fattest clown?/ Which is the biggest costume?
누가 가장 뚱뚱한 광대입니까?/ 어떤 복장이 가장 큰가요?
Who is the tallest man? / Who is the happiest down?
가장 키가 큰 남자는 누구입니까? / 가장 행복한 사람은 누구입니까?
28. Will~?/ Yes, ~will/ No, ~ won't.
The spaceship is flying to the moon. Will it fly to the sun? Yes, it will/ No, it won't.
우주선이 달로 날아가고 있습니다. 태양까지 날아갈까요? 네, 그럴 거예요/ 아뇨, 그렇지 않을 거예요.
The spacesuit is small. Will Sarah wear the spacesuit? Yes, she will./ No, she won't.
우주복은 작습니다. 사라가 우주복을 입을까요? 네, 그럴 거예요. / 아뇨, 그럴 거예요.
29. I want~ / I want to~
I want an envelope. ( stamps, the big package)
봉투 주세요. (우표, 큰 포장지)
I want to buy an envelope. (to collect stamps, to send the big package)
봉투를 사고 싶어요. (우표를 수집하고 싶어요, 큰 꾸러미를 보내고 싶어요)
30. Where can~?
Where can you eat lunch? (Buy a book?/ watch a movie? / mail a package?)
점심은 어디서 먹을 수 있어요? (책 사요?/ 영화 보나요? / 소포를 부치세요?)
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